Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Power of Now

Most people today don't take much time to stop and actually give thought to time. We use terms like the past, the present, and the future without much thought; they are just a part of our normal vocabulary.

When one takes the time to look at it, however, time tends to be a very subjective thing. The future is never certain. Everyone has a pretty consistent view on this. People also tend to consistently believe that the past is more concrete than the future. But when you look at the past compared to the future, the only thing to make a distinction between the two is memories.

Now let's take a moment to look at memories as well. Memories are a strange thing. They're not physical, they're not concrete, and yet they're capable of creating such strong emotions in us. We can't show them to anyone in their entire complexity. We don't have some sort of file to point to and say "See, that's my memory." In fact, all memories are is a form of energy in our brain. About the only thing we could use as "proof" of a memory's existence is doing a brain scan and pointing to images of neurons firing in our brain. Actually, there have even been studies suggesting that we actually have to recreate a memory whenever we use it.

That, I think, is a very powerful thought. Because of the nature of a memory, we can't prove its existence outside of ourselves, and even then, we can't really prove that something we remember is fact. In actuality, when one looks at the past, in can sometimes be as uncertain as the future. The only things we have as "proof" that something happened are our documents. Pictures, files, videos, writings and all sorts of things that we scramble to keep, in some sort of vain attempt to prove our own existence. But if there's one thing today's media keeps proving to us, it's that documentation can be faked. Our technology keeps getting better and better, making it harder and harder to tell real documents from forgeries.

It can be very humbling to know that none of your existence can ever really be proved. By the time I'm done speaking a sentence, I have no way of knowing that I said the beginning of the sentence. "Now" is an infinitesimally small unit of time, so small that we can never truly grasp it. "Now" is so small that it's continually happening. "Now" is so small that the past and the future and constant as well. We're in a constant, instantaneous loop of changing the future to the present to the past. In fact, this tiny measurement of time known as "now" is so small that the it's like the past, present, and future are all continuously happening, in complete synchronicity with one another.

This thought gives me a lot of hope. Humans like to think of themselves as creatures that are defined by our past, that what we have done before determines how we make our choices now. But if time is so small, so continuous, that it's in a constant loop so it happens all at once, then that means that the past that defines me is happening right now, and at the same time is completely improvable. I can never prove that I was the person I was in the past, and therefore, I never have to be bound by it. All I have to do is choose, right now, how to behave.

This thought can be very hard to grasp in its wholeness for a long period of time, so I have another thought to help keep me sane.

I know that memories are nothing but data, which means that the past is the same as the future. If I choose to believe firmly that the past does exist, firmly and concretely, then this would mean that the future can be the same. Just like a book, you have already had the major "plot points" in your life hinted at through a form of foreshadowing. You've already had the small details pointed out to you, and you get more clues every day. In fact, you create these clues. Through your own actions and words, you're sending a message to yourself of where you're going. Deep, deep within yourself, you know exactly where you are headed.

This is the key to the Law of Attraction. The real trick is to know you are going to get something, not just to say you are or hope you are. neither of those will allow you to create that path. The only way to get something is to know, deep within yourself, that it will happen. Because it can't not happen. Knowing is the first, and last, step of creation.

Everything in your life has happened until now because you knew it would. You knew this would happen, and your past, present and future reflected themselves accordingly. And, honestly, looking back, can you see any different path that would lead you to the exact same person you are now?

If you don't like who you are, and I mean, truly don't like who you are (no lying to yourself!), then you will change. Because you know you will. You know you can't stay like this. You know this isn't you.

If you can grasp that deep knowing on anything about yourself, you will change. You won't be able not to. And with the past, the present and the future all happening in the blink of an eye, all you have to do is have that deep knowing right now.

This is the Power of Now.

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